A collaboration that is internationally recognized. iRSM has an interdisciplinary team providing expertise in surgery, medicine, maxillofacial prosthodontics, rehabilitation medicine, engineering and computing science for head and neck reconstructive treatments and rehabilitative care. The experts are fully integrated to provide clinical care, research, education and training in reconstructive medicine and technology. Their partnership with True Angle brings us insight on this episode, highlighted by Health City. A moving story as told by Ted Power who is one of the recipients and beneficiary of this collaboration. Connect with IRSM:https://irsmyeg.ca/services/Visit Health City at: Twitter: https://twitter.com/yeghealthcity LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/healthcityedmonton Stay connected with Alberta Impact by Subscribing to our Channel or Like us on our socials, as we release new episodes every week: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Albertaimpact Twitter: https://twitter.com/albertaimpact Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/albertaimpact